by Laundry Love | Jan 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Laundry Love expands to Woodland Program allows people to do laundry for free one day a month at Cedars Laundromat WOODLAND — Valerie Guerra spent three days trying to get the key to use the laundry room at the Lewis River RV Park recently, and even if she was able to...
by Laundry Love | Aug 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Laundromat Lives On Washed up city laundromats are enjoying a second life as community spaces “In all my years of living in Manhattan, I have never met someone who has a washer/dryer in their apartment. Most of us think of these people as mythical unicorns. Like...
by Laundry Love | Apr 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Love In Pennsylvania Doing the laundry is a chore that most of us perform without a second thought. Dirty clothes go into the washer. Clean clothes come out of the dryer. Press, fold, put away. In between the task, we make dinner, open mail, pay bills, check messages....
by Laundry Love | Mar 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Better Angels: Taking cue from pope, Laundry Love affirms human dignity one load at a time What likely is the world’s most famous laundromat is also relatively new. The Lavanderia di Papa Francis — or Pope Francis Laundry — opened in the spring of last year in a...
by Laundry Love | Jul 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
Laundry Love helps homeless and low‑income families in Huntington Beach, CA It’s 8:30 on a Wednesday night and Beach Coin Laundry in Huntington Beach is packed. Thirty people crowd inside, busily folding T-shirts, socks, shorts and bed sheets, and transferring their...
by Laundry Love | Apr 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Three Most Inspiring Charities Involving Laundry A great charity is all about finding something that is needed, and then taking concrete and proactive steps to address that need. Charity and laundry might not be two terms that you instantly associate with one...